Steady progress has been made since we first wrote about Web Components in 2014. LitElement, part of the Polymer Project, is a simple library that you can use to create lightweight web components. It's really just a base class that removes the need for a lot of the common boilerplate, making writing web components a lot easier. We've had success using it on projects, and as we see the technology maturing and the library being well liked, LitElement is becoming more commonly used in our Web Components-based projects.
Steady progress has been made since we first wrote about web components in 2014. LitElement, part of the Polymer Project, is a simple library that you can use to create lightweight web components. It's really just a base class that removes the need for a lot of the common boilerplate making writing web components a lot easier. We've had early success using it on projects and are excited to see the technology maturing.