Connectadxs is an independent social laboratory that creates digital tools for social transformation. The initiative, a partnership between Thoughtworks Ecuador and the Cuadrante Sur Foundation, works in three ways:
Supporting social organizations that are developing digital skills
Participating in discussions on digitalization
Promoting technical careers and interest in young people for social development
Programs in 2022:
Supporting social organizations
We worked with the National Union of Paid Domestic and Allied Workers (UNTHA), developing face-to-face and virtual workshops on digital tool management. Together we created guides to manage various basic digital tools, provided tips to safely navigate the internet and improved access for people who don’t have digital skills. The tools include Guides for a Secure Use of Google Tools and different kinds of social media applications for distributing information about their labor in the social organizations.
Discussions in digitization
We interviewed workers and experts on platform economics; held panels on digital security; and gathered testimonies and created a campaign on social networks, all aimed at increasing the general public’s knowledge of working conditions on the platform economy. The material is available in the news section of the Conectadxs website.
Promoting technical careers for social development
A fundamental aspect of Conectadxs is to pay attention to the audiences for whom technology is historically distant due to social prejudices. To connect with these audiences we explored different media. Working with Ecuadorian artists, co-producing a play called "Ada, an extraordinary girl," inspired by the life of Ada Lovelace, and a comic called "Aaron Swartz drawn from the South,” which tells the life of Aaron Swartz.
Learn more about these issues and explore Conectadxs work