Anteriormente teníamos .NET Core en Adoptar, indicando que se ha convertido en la opción predeterminada para proyectos .NET. Sin embargo, creemos que merece la pena resaltarlo nuevamente. Con la versión 3.x de .NET Core liberada el año pasado la mayor parte de las características de .NET Framework han sido migradas a .NET Core. Con el anuncio de que .NET Framework está en su última versión Microsoft ha reforzado la opinión de que .NET Core es el futuro de .NET. Microsoft ha realizado mucho trabajo para hacer .NET Core fácil de usar con contenedores. La mayoría de nuestros proyectos basados en .NET Core apuntan a Linux y a menudo se despliegan en contenedores. La próxima versión de .NET 5 parece prometedora, y estamos deseando que llegue.
Our teams have confirmed that .NET Core has reached a level of maturity that makes it the default for .NET server applications. The open source .NET Core framework enables the development and deployment of .NET applications on Windows, macOS and Linux with first-class cross-platform tooling. Microsoft provides blessed Docker images which make it easy to deploy .NET Core applications in a containerized environment. Positive directions in the community and feedback from our projects indicate that .NET Core is the future for .NET development.
We're seeing increased adoption of .NET Core, the open source cross-platform software framework. .NET Core enables the development and deployment of .NET applications on Windows, macOS and Linux. With the release of .NET Standard 2.0 increasing the number of standard APIs across .NET platforms, the migration path to .NET Core has become clearer. Issues related to library support on .NET Core are becoming less problematic, and first-class cross-platform tooling is now available, allowing for productive development on non-Windows platforms. Blessed Docker images are provided to make it easy to integrate .NET Core services into a containerized environment. Positive directions in the community and feedback from our projects indicate that .NET Core is ready for widespread use.
.NET Core is an open source modular product for creating applications that can be easily deployed in Windows, macOS and Linux. .NET Core makes it possible to build cross-platform web applications using ASP.NET Core with a set of tools, libraries and frameworks—another choice for microservices architecture. The community around .NET Core and other related projects has been growing. New tools have appeared and evolved quickly, such as Visual Studio Code. There are Docker images based on both Linux and Windows (Nano Server) with .NET Core that simplify applying a microservice architecture. CoreCLR and CoreFX appeared in the Radar in the past. However, a few months ago Microsoft announced the release of .NET Core 1.0, the first stable version. We see good new opportunities, changes and a vibrant community as reasons to keep assessing this product.
.NET Core is an open source modular product for creating applications that can be easily deployed in Windows, macOS and Linux. .NET Core makes it possible to build cross-platform web applications using ASP.NET Core with a set of tools, libraries and frameworks—another choice for microservices architecture. The community around .NET Core and other related projects has been growing. New tools have appeared and evolved quickly, such as Visual Studio Code. There are Docker images based on both Linux and Windows (Nano Server) with .NET Core that simplify applying a microservice architecture. CoreCLR and CoreFX appeared in the Radar in the past. However, a few months ago Microsoft announced the release of .NET Core 1.0, the first stable version. We see good new opportunities, changes and a vibrant community as reasons to keep assessing this product.
CoreCLR and** CoreFX** is the core platform and framework for .NET. Although not new, they have recently been open sourced by Microsoft. A key change is that these dependencies are bin-deployable, they do not need to be installed on a machine in advance. This eases side-by-side deployments, allowing applications to use different framework versions without conflicts. Something written in .NET is then an implementation detail, you can install a .NET dependency into any environment. A .NET tool is no different than something written in C from an external dependency perspective, making it a much more attractive option for general purpose applications and utilities. CoreFX is also being factored into individual NuGet dependencies, so that applications can pull what they need, keeping the footprint for .NET applications and libraries small and making it easier to replace part of the framework.